This art project is simple, yet stunning and is sure to add a sparkle to your classroom!
Step 1:
Have your students take a ruler and line it up with the top of their page. Ask them to draw a light line where the bottom of the ruler falls.
Line up the ruler with the line you just drew and continue to draw light lines until you stripes that are the width of your ruler and until you have no more space left on your page.
Step 2:
Once they have drawn the lines, it is time to paint. I used black paint to paint my stripes, but you could paint any color that you like. My friend (Julie T.) used red, black, blue and green and they all turned out BEAUTIFUL!
Step 3:
While your paint is drying, decide on an image template.
We used anchors, hearts and stars. Here is a template for them if you would like to use them. 🙂
Place the template on top of your striped piece of paper and trace the outline.
Step 5:
Pour liquid glue into a container or a paper plate. Use a paint brush to paint the liquid glue inside the traced outline. Be careful not to get any paint onto the other parts of your paper.
Step 6:
As a crazy glitter lady, I don’t allow my students to use this much glitter alone. I instructed them to bring their art to my table where I poured the glitter onto the art piece. I shook it off onto a large piece of paper (one paper for each colour of glitter) then we reused it toward other students’ projects. If there were naked parts of the shape where there was not enough glue or it had dried already, students were told to go back to their spot to paint a little bit more glue {CAREFULLY} onto thier art project.